How degree programs define, measure, and improve Faith Integration: An analysis of 80 program reviews
The purpose of this study was to understand how degree programs at a Christian University define, teach, measure and improve faith integration (FI). Data was gathered from the “faith integration” section of 80 “self-studies” that were conducted during a six to eight year program review cycle. The central understanding of this study is that departments triangulate FI learning activities and assessments through a variety of efforts that are offered through the curricula, the campus’ co-curricular programming, service learning, and the local churches. The article discusses the findings in light of literature in the field of educational effectiveness to develop a rubric that can help degree programs plan and improve their FI efforts systematically. Stakeholders in FI on campus may even use the rubric to set benchmarks for “acceptable” and “exemplary” FI systems at the degree program level.
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